Comments on: Executive Q&A: Scott White, CEO of New Avon The World of Direct Selling provides expert articles and news updates on the global direct sales industry. Wed, 28 Nov 2018 17:03:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda Law Tue, 21 Feb 2017 23:47:55 +0000 I also met Mr. White over the summer. While there were several topics for discussion-delivery, shipping, fulfillment, and tech-all which have been worked on, one thing the company needs to work on is embracing it’s image of being for grandmas. The brand has an image issue when it comes to millennials and younger. When younger people hear Avon they think of the 1960’s Avon lady going door to door, they think of grandma. Instead of trying to convince them that this isn’t their grandma’s Avon, it’s best to embrace it while pointing out that it is only one part of who we are. Highlight those grandmothers who are selling and take pride that we have them. This is a true CAREER opportunity. Millennials and younger don’t like to be hustled or lied to, rebranding in the wrong way can give that impression. They are also more connected to their grandparents than ever before and have a strong trust in their recommendations. Once New Avon finds a way to highlight the products and opportunities that exist for all stages of beauty and accepts that the iconic 60’s Avon lady image will always exist, we will be able to get more younger reps on board. Instead of saying this ain’t your grandmas Avon-we should be saying this is your grandma’s Avon and now it’s yours too.

Discover what your grandma has known all along- Beauty and Success comes in many forms. Be Refined or Be Bold but Just Be You. What will Avon help you be today?

By: Tina Patton Thu, 16 Feb 2017 01:29:03 +0000 I had the pleasure of meeting our New Avon CEO Scott White and having my picture made with him at Repfest 16 in Las Vegas. One thing that I really paid attention to was he said If you need me, email me. I read everyone email. A few months later I needed him in a situation. I emailed him and he emailed back immediately and had my situation resolved within hours. He is definitely a man of his word. I have the upmost respect for him. He has done more in a few months for our company and our representatives than I have ever seen. The main thing I would like to see is our men representatives recognized more. Yes it is true we started as the company for women but we are so much more now. Our Avon Guys work just as hard as we do and they deserve to be acknowledged

By: C.L. Nganga Wed, 15 Feb 2017 22:59:29 +0000 In reply to Lynne Norris.

Hello Lynne, I am a relatively new Avon Representative. However, as a child, and later as an adolescent, over a period of 12 years, I helped my mother to grow her Avon business. I answered telephone calls from her customers, fielded inquiries, and I also helped her to bag and distribute her Avon orders door-to-door, on foot, as my mother never learned how to drive. She also made the President’s Club several times, and I was so proud of her many accomplishments. She passed away just over a year ago, at the age of 90, and I began selling Avon last year, in Loving Memory of her. I would also love to grow my Avon business using the online business model. So, I pray that both of us will someday be able to successfully realize our common dream. Wishing you, and all other Avon Representatives, much continued Success!

By: Diane Neal Wed, 15 Feb 2017 20:36:21 +0000 In reply to Adrianne B Smith.

I agree with you totally!!!

By: Adrianne Wed, 15 Feb 2017 02:48:10 +0000 In reply to Adrianne B Smith.

Need to bring back some of the older colonges / bath powders /

By: DeAna Kindt Wed, 15 Feb 2017 00:52:34 +0000 Scott has truly proven to be an asset for New Avon, and I was fortunate to meet him at the 2016 RepFest, and talk with him at length, about the new opportunities to come. As a representative of the New Avon, I find it an exciting time to grow my business and learn new strategies to accomplish this from the talented team he is assembling. I look forard to more of his leadership.

By: Lynne Norris Tue, 14 Feb 2017 22:00:35 +0000 I would like to see an improvement in promoting online sales. Ive been a rep for almost 15 years total, President’s Club 5 times, Honor Society once. Im now disabled and my car and I just cant go the way we used to. I love Avon & would love to be able to put my knowledge & expertise to good use in a professional & profitable online business model. Im no Emily Seagren; Im not good at blogging, but I cared greatly for my customers. I cant go back to door-to-door. I’d REALLY appreciate your consideration on this matter.

By: Adrianne B Smith Tue, 14 Feb 2017 18:08:23 +0000 I would like to see more in the way of doing less for leadership earning ,do more in earning for the reps. First do away with fixed earnings on non cor products for all reps /get the same earnings on all products ‘ 2] Lower the order size and give us higher earnings— 40- to 60% . Do away with 0%to 35% earnings. Please do this for all reps..I have not gone into leader ship for personal reasons. I love the sales part of Avon and would love to see more done for us reps. I say this in hopes that more reps will stay with Avon .Right now I feel like all my,, profits are going into books, samples , etc. Thank you for all you do for Avon Thank you Adrianne

By: Liz Metcalf Tue, 14 Feb 2017 17:26:41 +0000 I cannot wait to see all the wonderful things that New Avon has in store this year. We’re only two months into the new year and you’ve already wow’d me! Keep the changes coming Mr. White!

By: Sue Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:09:21 +0000 I can only hope that he will take an interest in Canada and get our problems fixed soon. It would also be nice if we had the same opportunities as the US reps. It is hard to see that they get free shipping for online customers and ours can’t even order on line. I would really like to get ride of this new and useless system we got stuck with and give us something that works.

By: Suzy Ishmael Tue, 14 Feb 2017 13:26:37 +0000 I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Scott White, we are so fortunate to him as our CEO leading the way!

By: Angela Kokorudz Tue, 14 Feb 2017 11:31:08 +0000 I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Scott and I love his stories about his twin daughters loving the MARK line asking him to bring home makeup for them… he does have the coolest job for teanage daughters:) When I met Scott for the first time what really touched me is that he cares for each one of us representatives! He wants us to be successful and the biggest impression he made on me is that he is gonna take New Avon to become the highest social selling company and encourage and stretch us to grow our businesses more than we thought we ever could. I’m very excited about Avons first conference open to all representatives! Can’t wait to see you there Scott!
