Comments on: 7 Industry-Changing Trends in Direct Selling That Can’t Be Ignored The World of Direct Selling provides expert articles and news updates on the global direct sales industry. Thu, 15 Mar 2018 09:27:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tammy Beichner Thu, 15 Mar 2018 09:27:05 +0000 I really think people want want economical products but want the ease of getting it by way of modern technology. Internet parties and etc… are the new way of selling and buying. We all love quick and easy service. We are in a world of fast “food” or product. Everything in a hurry. Your article was so on point the way of selling and buying have changed.

By: Martin Koehler Tue, 13 Mar 2018 13:56:55 +0000 Spot on Brett!

By: Jerome FREYTAG Wed, 07 Mar 2018 15:02:26 +0000 Hi Brett,

I really am interested in your views about the role of the party in Direct Sales. Thanks for sharing. Here in Europe, especially in France, party-plan companies are the trend and the most profitable but they do have an issue with the lack of flexibility of the party. Most times, I notice with my clients that they use the parties to attract customers and then I help them put together plans to retain customers. A few years ago you would focus on challenging the distributors to do more, book more, upsell. Nowadays what works best is attracting customers back to distributors by using email campaigns and other digital and social networkw strategies.
If you’d like to know more about what France and Europe are up to with Direct Sales, feel free to write or call.
Best regards and thanks again!

By: Carol Ford Tue, 06 Mar 2018 15:12:39 +0000 Brett, excellent article! Very thought-provoking. Bottom line seems to be…know the market but more importantly, know your customers. What are they looking for by way of products, services, pricing? How do they prefer to buy?

So how do you get to know your customers? Listen, really listen. To who? To your ISCs. They are our frontline and they hear from customers before we do. Too many companies try to shape the company into what the owners or shareholders state as focus-of-the-day, but that often leaves executives with metamorphically pushing water uphill as we work to shape our customers into what the company wants them to be, rather than providing them with what they want, and what they are willing to pay for. DS has had its ebbs and flows throughout my long standing career in the industry and those who typically recover fastest from the lean years are those who have learned to listen, really listen, and then truly partner with the field to implement a viable plan. Not just paying lip service to partnership, but actually involving top leaders, active and committed leaders, in rolling out the solution. This partnership ensures they will support the plan and engage their teams in it. Win-win for all!

By: Brett Duncan Fri, 02 Mar 2018 01:51:40 +0000 In reply to Neil Phillips.

Thanks Neil – should’ve known you would come up with a great twist on it all. I like the difference in thinking about how we support the people who sell vs. how do we get more people to sell.

By: Brett Duncan Fri, 02 Mar 2018 01:46:40 +0000 In reply to Luca Pozzoli.

Thanks Luca!

By: Brett Duncan Fri, 02 Mar 2018 01:46:19 +0000 In reply to JoDean Gingerich.

Thanks so much JoDean. Glad it is helpful.

By: Brett Duncan Fri, 02 Mar 2018 01:45:39 +0000 In reply to Metin.

Thanks Metin!

By: Brett Duncan Fri, 02 Mar 2018 01:45:24 +0000 In reply to Spencer Reese.

So true Spencer. I often laugh (sadly) when I think of all of us as individuals and how we personally prefer shopping on Amazon, and in the meantime our companies have resources dedicated to making sure our products don’t show up there.

By: Brett Duncan Wed, 28 Feb 2018 03:17:31 +0000 In reply to Beverley Unitt – BE YOU Success Coaching.

Beverly – really appreciate your comments and thoughts here. Thanks!


By: Beverley Unitt - BE YOU Success Coaching Wed, 28 Feb 2018 00:16:11 +0000 An excellent thought-provoking article, Brett. I present in the mindset and motivation expertise space in Direct Selling and I especially love the ‘volatility’ point, plus the ‘how people want to buy’ point!
Equipping the field AND the Head Office support crew with the behaviour of resilience is vital in our channel. Doing this means the dips and troughs – which are part of it all – are managed with behaviour instead of the often heard (and unnecessary) language of ‘cull’ or ‘clean out’ the team, which is the old world of direct sales.
There is a market out there for EVERYONE, and showing the field HOW to connect with their own personal market is a skillset well worth sharing, and underpinned with the mindset of ‘managing self’.
As for ‘how people want to buy’ – I LOVE your thoughts. Flexible behaviour in meeting the customer is the ideal. Let’s face it – we’re an industry with products we sell with an expectation the customer can embrace ‘change’ and switch to a specific direct sales product and purchase the DS range through their consultant.
If a Direct Sales company itself cannot embrace change in how customers want to buy – and create a shift for HOW a customer experiences their product – then that in itself is a BIG roadblock…and this means how can Head Office expect the field to sustain the ability to create change ( in the customer relationship) if ‘change’ itself isn’t embraced in the culture!
Well done Brett!
Best Wishes Beverley

By: Spencer Reese Tue, 27 Feb 2018 17:53:42 +0000 Hi Brett,
I agree wholeheartedly with your first proposition that it’s about how people buy, not about how they sell. Making the buying experience paramount has been forced on direct sellers, catalog sellers, brick & mortar sellers, and online sellers by Amazon. Let’s face it, we all buy from Amazon. They make it easy to find what we want, they get us the best price, and they deliver cheap (especially for Prime members) and FAST, and while they market in our faces, it’s subtle ads that appear on our facebook pages. Nobody is hard selling us a $500.00 product kit. ALL sellers are being forced to compete with Amazon, which has created a fantastic buying experience for the consumer.
