Comments on: Are You Doing the Math for Your Distributors? (Because They Probably Aren’t Doing It For Themselves) The World of Direct Selling provides expert articles and news updates on the global direct sales industry. Fri, 22 Feb 2019 11:00:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scott Common Fri, 22 Feb 2019 11:00:49 +0000 Great article! Really enjoyed it. (Assuming is lazy, AND dangerous. Teaching, Training, Reflective Listening. I’m sure personality types comes into play a LOT here as well. Analytics like me would enjoy this for the facts, for the numbers. Teach me clearly, but then get out of my face. I’ll love you and respect you for the “info”. But the other personality types would need to be sold (led, encouraged) on the benefits according to THEIR language. End the end we’re building a healthy, self-sustaining, global network.

By: Dorothy Prudich Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:23:56 +0000 This article is AWESOME! I hate to admit, but I am guilty of some of it – thanks, Brett for the reminder!

By: Mike M Mon, 18 Feb 2019 14:20:33 +0000 Brett-
I enjoyed every word of this. Kudos on zooming out far enough to make this universally relevant but not so far that the concepts become abstract. Well done.

Can you tell me more about the DO THIS NOW component of data reporting?

Specifically – a scenario where this could be applicable. And what the display of such a thing might look like.

Ie, is this a simple red flag with an action step? A button that links to something (like an instructional video, etc)?

Again – kudos!
